Term & Conditions
1.Online Booking is prefer.
Our online booking form you basic information for make a payment.
2.Ticket Use.
2.1 Ticket can only be used on the specified date. Ticket cannot be used for other days.
2.2 Once a ticket has been used, it cannot be reused. or allow others to use again
3.Online payment is secure.
We prefer online payment in order to guarantee and secure your booking. We offer World Class Standard Internet Banking from omise, Credit / Debit from omise and Paypal.
Omise – https://www.omise.co/
Paypal – https://www.paypal.com/
4.No Refund : All of transections are non-refundable.
8.Why some payment get rejected? This could be created by multiple reasons.
Not enough funds on the card to complete the transaction.
Some banks may reject a charge if the amount is high ($500+) and it’s a non 3-D Secure transaction.
CVV or card information is wrong – users often make mistakes when typing.
Expired card
5.Why some payment get rejected?
This could be created by multiple reasons.
Not enough funds on the card to complete the transaction.